<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% dim sqltxt,data,fecha,Mes data=Date fecha=month(data)&" / "&Day(date)&" / "&Year(Date) Mes = Month(Date) %> <% Dim Meses__MMColParam Meses__MMColParam = "1" if (Request.QueryString("Mes") <> "") then Meses__MMColParam = Request.QueryString("Mes") else Meses__MMColParam = Mes end if %> Armeria andorrana
" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf 'clean up and close the database objRS.Close Set objRS = Nothing end if %>
<% '################################################################################# '## Copyright (C) 1999-2002 - Matt Smith '## '## This program is free software; you can use it and/or '## modify it as you see fit. I only ask that somewhere in your comments, '## (you do comment your programs, don't you?) you keep a reference '## to the original 4GuysFromRolla article which is: '## '## http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/111899-1.shtml '## '## Matt Smith '## Questions: matt@smitty.net '## PayPal: matt@smitty.net - tipping is appreciated! '################################################################################# Const adOpenStatic = 3 Const adCmdText = &H0001 Const adUseClient = 3 Const TITLE = "Activitats" dim objRS 'Recordset object dim strSQL 'SQL string dim intNumRows 'number of rows in table dim intNumCols 'number of columns in table dim strLayoutType 'whether intSize refers to (C)olumns or (R)ows dim strOrientation 'direction of output: (V)ertical or (H)orizontal dim intNumRecs 'number of records in the database dim intPage 'current page to disply dim intPageSize 'number of records to display on page dim intNumPages 'number of pages dim intRowIndex 'placeholder for current row dim intColIndex 'placeholder for current column dim intPosition 'placeholder for current record intNumRows = 3 intNumCols = 2 strOrientation = "H" 'strLayoutType = UCase(Request("LayoutType")) %> <% Dim Actes__MMColParam Actes__MMColParam = "0" if (Request("MM_EmptyValue") <> "") then Actes__MMColParam = Request("MM_EmptyValue") %> <% 'create recordset object Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'connect via ODBC objRS.ActiveConnection = MM_armeriaandorrana_STRING 'create SQL query strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Activitats WHERE DATEPART('m', Inici) = " & Meses__MMColParam & " OR DATEPART('m', Fi) = " & Meses__MMColParam & ";" 'response.write strSQL objRS.CursorLocation = adUseClient 'execute SQL statement objRS.Open strSQL, ,adOpenStatic , , adCmdText %> <% If objRS.EOF And objRS.BOF Then %> <% Session.LCID = 1027 %> >> <%=UCASE(MonthName(Meses__MMColParam))%>

No tenim cap activitat programada per aquest mes. <% else If NOT objRS.EOF AND NOT objRS.BOF Then Dim Ref Ref = objRS.Fields("ID") 'intNumRows = 3 'intNumCols = 2 'strOrientation = "H" intNumRecs = objRS.RecordCount intPage = Request("Page") intPageSize = cint(intNumRows) * cint(intNumCols) objRS.PageSize = intPageSize intNumPages = objRS.PageCount if intPage = "" then intPage = 1 objRS.AbsolutePage = intPage else objRS.AbsolutePage = intPage end if Response.Write "" & vbCRLF 'span the number of columns in the table with the title Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf 'loop thru table by row For intRowIndex = 1 To intNumRows Response.Write "" & vbCRLF If strOrientation = "V" Then 'intPosition = intRowIndex 'intPosition = ((intPage - 1) * intPageSize) + intColIndex + ((intRowIndex - 1) * intNumCols) 'loop thru table by column For intColIndex = 1 To intNumCols intPosition = ((intPage - 1) * intPageSize) + intRowIndex + ((intColIndex - 1) * intNumRows) PrintRecord 'intPosition = intPosition + intNumRows Next Else'If strOrientation = "H" Then 'loop thru table by column For intColIndex = 1 To intNumCols intPosition = ((intPage - 1) * intPageSize) + intColIndex + ((intRowIndex - 1) * intNumCols) PrintRecord Next End If Response.Write "" & vbCRLF Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Next Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "
>> " Session.LCID = 1027 Response.Write UCASE(MonthName(Meses__MMColParam)) Response.Write "

" & vbCRLF End If Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" & vbCRLF Else objRS.AbsolutePosition = intPosition 'if necessary, check for blank field values and print blank cell If objRS.Fields("Activitat_cat") = "" Then Response.Write "" & vbCRLF Else Response.Write "" & vbCrlf End If End If End Sub Function IIF(sExp, sTrue, sFalse) If CBool((sExp)) = True Then IIF = sTrue Else IIF = sFalse End If End Function Response.Write "" Response.Write "
" if intPage = 1 then Response.Write " " else Response.Write "<< Anterior" end if Response.Write "" if cint(intPage) < cint(intNumPages) then Response.Write "
Següent >>
" else Response.Write " " end if sub PrintRecord 'if position is past EOF print a blank cell If intPosition > intNumRecs Then Response.Write "
" & vbCRLF Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCRLF Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "
" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "" & vbCrlf Response.Write "
" & vbCRLF Response.Write "
" Response.Write objRS.Fields("Activitat_cat") Response.Write "
" & vbCrlf Response.Write objRS.Fields("Lloc") Response.Write "
del Lloc 
" Response.Write Replace(objRS.Fields("Caract_lloc"),Chr(13),"
") Response.Write "
" Response.Write FormatDateTime(objRS.Fields("Inici"),2) & " - " & FormatDateTime(objRS.Fields("Fi"),2) Response.Write "
" Response.Write Replace(objRS.Fields("Descripcio"),Chr(13),"
") Response.Write "
" Response.Write Replace(objRS.Fields("Altres"),Chr(13),"
") Response.Write "
  > " Response.Write objRS.Fields("Organitza") Response.Write "
" & vbCrlf Response.Write "
" & vbCrlf Response.Write "
" & vbCrlf Response.Write "
C/ Bra. Riberaygua 33 Andorra la Vella Principat d'Andorra . Telf:(+376) 820 888    Fax: (+376) 860 222